Are you getting a good night’s sleep? Sometimes a medical condition like sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome might be causing you to lose valuable hours of rest. If you want to know more about what’s keeping you up at night, the experts at the Grand View Health Sleep Center can help.
Our center includes four modern, comfortable, hotel-style patient rooms, each with a private bathroom. Our medical director, Michael Weinstein, MD, and our sleep technicians will use state-of-the-art equipment to monitor your brain, heart, breathing and muscle activity during sleep. This testing can help you diagnose a potential sleep disorder and receive treatment.
You will need a referral to receive treatment.
At the Sleep Center, we are committed to providing the highest level of service in caring and supportive environment. Our team includes:
Before treatment begins, you will undergo an overnight sleep study at the Sleep Center. This is a non-invasive, advanced method of diagnostic testing. In most cases, patients arrive at the sleep center around 9 p.m. and will leave the sleep center by 7 a.m. the following day.
While you are sleeping, trained technologists will monitor and record your sleep patterns, heart rate, breathing, muscle movement, brain waves and oxygen levels.
You’ll receive the results of your sleep center within one-to-two weeks.
Each of the Center’s four sleep rooms are designed to provide quiet and rest. For your comfort, each room is private and has a:
Once diagnosed, most sleep orders can be treated successfully with one of the following treatments:
If you think you might have a sleep disorder, talk with your physician to determine whether a sleep study would benefit you. If you need to find a doctor, use our find a provider tool. If you do undergo a sleep study, our physicians will provide your doctor with the results and a recommended treatment plan.
The Grand View Health Sleep Center is conveniently located in the Stoneridge Professional Center at 670 Lawn Avenue in Sellersville, off Route 309.
Call 215-453-8106 for more information.