Cancer Genetics and Risk Prevention

Knowing your potential cancer risk can help you and your physician make more informed decisions about your health before the onset of cancer—or before a second cancer has a chance to develop.

The Cancer Genetic Risk and Prevention Program offers genetic evaluation and counseling services to individuals and families who may be at an increased risk for developing certain cancers. Hereditary cancer risk may be linked to more than one type of cancer.

Our services include:

Genetic Evaluation Services

  • Personal and family medical history evaluation.
  • Risk assessment using pedigree and computerized risk prediction models.
  • Genetic education and counseling.
  • Genetic testing facilitation.
  • Psychosocial support.

Counseling Services

Counseling is offered for individuals with any personal or family history of:

  • Cancer diagnosed at an age younger than 50.
  • More than one primary cancer.
  • More than one close family member with cancer.
  • Rare cancers (such as male breast cancer, ovarian, or sarcoma).
  • Ashkenazi Jewish Ancestry.
  • Known cancer susceptibility syndrome in your family.